Caterina Saccani olasz fordító marketing és PR stratégiák gyakorlatába vezeti be a hallgatóságot.
Who says you can only be successful at marketing your translation and interpreting services if you are an extrovert? Everyone can leverage their strengths, qualifications and passions to position themselves as the go-to resource in a given target market. During this session we will discuss several marketing and PR strategies that have turned out to bring success to freelance translators in terms of achieving greater visibility, and can be applied according to the translator’s personality.
You will learn how to expand your comfort zone, think out of the box and break new grounds, but also how to maximize your talents if you are not the most outgoing person on earth. After this session, you might decide it’s about time to break your terror barrier and give a talk at a conference in your target group or leverage your excellent writing skills and submit an article to one of the magazines most read by your target groups.