Miért jó több lábon állni szabadúszó fordítóként?

2020. május 14.

Francesca Manicardi a diverzifikáció fontosságára hívja fel a figyelmet, erre mutat példát. Előadását a BP19-ről a fordit.hu videón közvetíti.


Being a freelancer means you live in uncertainty, often consumed by anxiety: will I be able to pay my bills? Why am I receiving no emails? Should I move on to a new job (as an employee)?

I have no magic wand but I learnt how to survive without staring at my computer screen while no one is asking for my services. We’ll do some guided exercises together to find out how you could differentiate you offer, based on your personal skills and flairs: there’s no plan B, C, D like another because we are all different, we want different things and have different goals in life.

I’ll show you how important and fundamental is to do not invest all our energies on one single client, one single type of service, one single specialization. Ready?

Francesca is an Italian interpreter, translator and copywriter, aggregate member of AITI, owner of Punto F. Her fields of expertise are marketing, tourism, food and wine, beauty and fashion. She wanted to share her knowledge and experience as a freelancer and business owner, so she became a mentor and founded the Freelance Lab: the first Italian mentoring program for wannabe freelance translators and interpreters. She is active on social media and on Freelance Lab’s blog (in Italian), where she shares bright and bad sides of daily freelance life. 

Francesca Manicardi: Miért jó több lábon állni szabadúszó fordítóként?Előadó: Francesca Manicardi
Az előadás eredeti címe: Do you diversify your business?
Helyszín, időpont: Bologna, 2019.05.1-3.

A BP Translation Conferences rendezője, Bán Csaba a fordit.hu-val való együttműködés keretében idén felajánlotta, hogy a BP19 rendezvényen elhangzott előadásokat a fordit.hu is közvetítheti a tagjainak. Köszönjük!


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